Night Light, 18 July 2015, by Jason Gilliam

Night Light

English Info: The title of this painting is “Night Light”.  The size of this painting is 24 in. x 36 in.  This work was performed in acrylic paint on canvas.

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This is a painting of my favorite person on Earth and the best friend I’ve ever had. In this scene my wife Sugel is seen holding up and peering into a kerosene lantern.

There are various symbols and meanings portrayed here.  My wife has been a very positive influence in my life and I see her as a guide for me to find my happiness, which at least up until I met her had proved to be elusive.  She has brought light into the darkness of my life.  A secondary meaning is that the light she is holding is actually my own spirit or life essence, and she holds it within her hands and maintains it’s life and brightness.